Search - Terrarium
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Reptiscape - Cocoa Leaves
Reptiscape Cocoa Leaves are an excellent leaf litter you can use in a terrarium, vivarium or aquarium. They are large and make a great focal point in your leaf litter.Cocoa Leaves are from the Theobroma cacao AKA Cocoa tree. The beans from this tree are used to make various chocolates that we all love to eat!..
Reptiscape - Dried Banana Stems - 4 Pack
Reptiscape Dried Banana Stems are a unique addition to your terrarium, vivarium or aquarium decor.Dried Banana Stems AKA Musa Stick are part of the flower stalk (transitional peduncle) of a banana plant. Their mushroom or bone like appearance are a great addition to a terrarium or aquarium...
Reptiscape - Durian Leaves
Reptiscape Durian Leaves are an excellent leaf litter that you can use in a terrarium, vivarium or aquarium. They also make a tasty treat for your isopods and springtails in a bioactive terrariumDurian leaves come from the Durio zibethinus (Durian Tree) which produce a large “thorny” fruit with an acquired taste.Using Durian Leaves in a TerrariumLeaf litter not only helps with providing a naturalistic appearance, the leaves also provide hiding spots for animals such as dart frogs and small reptiles. Even snakes will enjoy hi..
Reptiscape - Guava Leaves
Reptiscape Guava Leaves are an excellent leaf litter that you can use in a terrarium, vivarium or aquarium. They also make a tasty treat for your isopods and springtails in a bioactive terrariumGuava leaves come from the Psidium guajava (Guava Tree) which produces a delicious fruit eaten by many. In some parts of Mexico and Cuba, the guava wood and leaves are used in barbecues to help smoke meat.Using Guava Leaves in a TerrariumLeaf litter not only helps with providing a naturalistic appearance, the leaves also provide hidin..
Reptiscape - Jackfruit Leaves
Reptiscape Jackfruit Leaves are an excellent leaf litter that you can use in a terrarium, vivarium or aquarium. They also make a tasty treat for your isopods and springtails in a bioactive terrariumJackfruit leaves come from the Artocarpus heterophyllus (Jack Tree) They produce the largest tree fruit that can weigh up to a massive 55kg (120lbs). The fruit is typically sweet, and is used for many deserts. Jackfruit has a “meat like” texture and can used as a pork substitute for some dishes.Using Jackfruit Leaves in a Terrariu..
Reptiscape - Jambu Leaves
Reptiscape Jambu Leaves are an excellent leaf litter that you can use in a terrarium, vivarium or aquarium. They also make a tasty treat for your isopods and springtails in a bioactive terrariumJambu leaves come from the Syzygium samarangense (Java Apple Tree) which produces a fruit has a unique texture and flavour, similar to watermelon in texture, yet tastes like a sour pear...
Reptiscape - Ketakera Leaves
Reptiscape Ketakera Leaves are an excellent leaf litter that you can use in a terrarium, vivarium or aquarium. They also make a tasty treat for your isopods and springtails in a bioactive terrariumKetakera leaves come from the Bridelia retusa commonly found in the forests of India...
Reptiscape - Kumbuk Leaves
Reptiscape Kumbuk Leaves are an excellent leaf litter that you can use in a terrarium, vivarium or aquarium. They also make a tasty treat for your isopods and springtails in a bioactive terrarium.Kumbuk leaves come from the Terminalia arjuna (Arjun Tree) which is found in India, Sri Lanka as well as Malaysia and IndonesiaIn the forest, the leaf litter may be several inches thick. Typically in a naturalistic or bioactive terrarium, you want to have the leaves at least a few layers deep and you should routinely add leaves as y..
Reptiscape - Marupa Leaves - 30gm
Marupa leaves are a hardy leaf litter that you can use in a terrarium, vivarium or aquarium. They will also make a tasty treat for your isopods and springtails in a bioactive terrariumThese leaves are from a tree called Simarouba amara. Its natural range is in the neotropics. Found in Guatemala and as far south to Bolivia, spanning from Ecuador to Brazil. This tree calls the Amazon Rainforest its home.Using Marupa Leaves In A TerrariumLeaf litter not only helps with providing a naturalistic appearance, however the leaves als..